It's been awhile! I vacationed in Canada, just returning home yesterday. I didn't really get a chance to read while I was there, so I'm a bit behind.
Anna Karenina. I'm loving this book. It's taking awhile to get through, but instead of trying to rush it the way I've done for some others on the The List, I'm trying to just take it slowly and enjoy it. I don't anticipate finishing it anytime soon, but I believe it will be worth the wait.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame. After visiting Paris in February, I couldn't wait to return home and start reading this book. It's my first Victor Hugo. I'm not enjoying it the way I thought I would. I realize some of it might be a poor translation, but I find Hugo to be overly verbose. He segues off to random tangents and by the time he gets back to where he left off in the plot, I've forgotten what was going on.
Hunger Games. I bought my copy at the airport in San Diego and finally picked it up. So far I'm loving it. It's an easy read, the characters and engaging, and the story actually gets my adrenaline going.
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