
Monday, August 1, 2011

Secrets of Paris by Luanne Rice

Okay, so I picked this up at the grocery store of all random places (it was on sale!) while out of town for work.  I started reading it while in the mood for some light reading, and found that for a fluff book, it wasn't too fluffy.

Lydie and Michael move to Paris after Lydie's father dies in a murder suicide.  It sounds cliche, but somehow it works for the story.  Lydie is depressed and distant and therefore, big surprise, Michael starts having an affair with a French coworker he finds exotic.  Meanwhile Lydie meets and befriends an American expat with a Filipino maid she's trying to get to the US.  The friendship between the two woman is admirable and Patrice seems to be the friend everyone wants; sophisticated, loyal, witty.  They (unsuccessfully) try to get the maid, Kelly, to the US.  Interesting side story about American border politics, although I appreciate Lydie's determined quest to help a woman less fortunate than herself.  I laughed at the statement that Kelly finally realizes that not all Americans are able to do whatever they want, in this case convince the Embassy to give her a visa, just because they are Americans.  You mean we aren't all superheroes?!  Poor Kelly ended up being deported back to the Philippines.

Michael and Lydie work things out in the end, a feel good story I really needed to read.  Sometimes love conquers all, apparently.  Michael realizes new woman does not equate with exotic, love of your life woman.  He admits Lydie is true love of his life, even though that sentiment was never too far from the surface.  Sometimes men are just idiots, but many do redeem themselves.  Point duly noted, Ms. Rice.

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